اOne of the most important educational policies of MU is to facilitate more and more study and research for students who have deep interest in academic research. Therefore, among the services that the university offers to these competent students is scholarships for free education and financial aids so that they can get through their education with less financial worry. We offer these services while MU is actually a nonprofit and non-governmental university, and all the expenses are borne by the university itself.
In fact, MU seeks to accompany students on the path of academic development by spending financial resources and deliberate purposeful support through offering various scholarships under different terms and conditions, so that financial problems could not prevent the young children of our land from growth and development. Of course, these scholarships are offered after identifying and testing the competent and hard-working students.
Based on the related terms and conditions, the scholarship awards may generally cover all the cost of education and living or just a fraction of them so that students can devote all their mind and time to improve their academic knowledge while they attend the university. So far, over 1,400 students have benefited from our financial aids, and more than 100 students are now using a variety of scholarships at the university.
MU offers three types of scholarships to applicants, if they meet the related requirements:
* Grand Ayatollah Mousavi Ardabili Scholarship, specifically for Seminarians
* MU Scholarship
* Charity Scholarship
• Grand Ayatollah Mousavi Ardabili Scholarship, specifically for Seminarians
Following the lofty goals and vision of the late founder of MU, all competent and hard-working students of seminaries across the country can apply for Grand Ayatollah Mousavi Ardabili Scholarship for Bachelor, Master, and PhD degrees in the fields offered by the university, through participating in entrance exam and specialized interviews, and get the scholarship if they meet the necessary requirements.
This scholarship, under the related terms and conditions, covers all costs including tuition fee as well as a monthly financial aid for covering living expenses. The scholarship entrance exam at MU takes place every year in the spring under the supervision of the country's Educational Assessment organization.
MU Scholarship
To improve the quality of post graduate programs and achieve the best possible educational outcomes, MU offers post graduate courses in most fields of study for free or with special opportunities. This scholarship exempts all or part of students from paying postgraduate tuition fees by considering certain conditions and measuring academic competency of students.
In fact, given the main goals of the university to train researchers with up-to-date knowledge, which usually occurs in postgraduate programs, this scholarship is provided to students from the university's own financial resources.
Charity Scholarship
Love of knowledge and learning reflected in the Quranic verse of [ن وَ الْقَلَمِ وَ ما يَسْطُرُونَ] (Nũn, By the pen and what everyone writes!) ,the noble hadith of the messenger of mercy (PBUH) " Seek knowledge even if you have to go as far as China" " and well as in our rich Iranian culture, “Seek knowledge from cradle to the grave” has always been culturally prominent. However, the path to knowledge has never been easy and it has always faced numerous problems. Therefore, supported by benefactors, MU has always tried to provide the maximum facilities and the best conditions to facilitate the acquisition of true knowledge, and the presence and support of benefactors in this way is, undoubtedly one of our greatest hopes. That is why MU Charity Scholarship was designed and is implemented with the financial support of the ambitious and intelligent people, and we hope that it can remove at least some of the obstacles to the acquisition of competent students.
These scholarships are provided by charities under special conditions for MU students in the current semester:

This scholarship is awarded to eligible postgraduate students in Islamic Financial Economics

This scholarship is awarded to eligible students of Master’s degree in all fields available at MU.